Motorcycles more popular in Asia

Depends on where you live actually but it is undeniable that motorcycle usage in Asia statically is the highest. Those who live in crowded city, they prefer motorcycle most as it convenient to traverse the city mostly during peak hours. While people who live outside city/rural area, they prefer motorcycle due to the geographical conditions. […]

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Pengemudi pertama Gojek

Beliau dahulu merupakan pengemudi ojek pangkalan di kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Kebetulan, kantor perusahaan Go-Jek saat pertama kali berdiri, berada dekat dengan tempat Beliau menunggu penumpang di ojek pangkalan. Saat itu, salah seorang rekan Beliau memberi informasi bahwa ada perusahaan baru yang bisa memberinya banyak penumpang tanpa harus berputar-putar mencarinya. Mulyono masuk saat Go-Jek ada di […]

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